Tuesday, August 23, 2011

it's called survival mode....

and it's where i've been living for 1-2 months.

this is the first time i could even bring myself to post.
am i the only one that cannot find it in myself to post about normal things when everything is not normal?
also, i know that i look a little pregnant here.... but don't worry. not pregnant.

hopefully "normal" posts will be resuming shortly.


Ginny Hartman said...

Oh can I come read Us weekly with you and eat junk food till I have to face reality and start my diet come Monday and loose the gazillion pounds I've gained this year? Yeah, reality sucks sometimes! You look gorgeous tho...no fair!

ashleyboice said...

i need to talk to you. Get on skype sometime. (i have new minutes the 27th)

Corine said...

I love you a hellofalot

sarawhat said...

you look really cute and skinny and cozy/beach/Nicole in this picture. Lets meet up in HB sometime soon, huh? Jacuzzi time? With martinellis and a movie? It's a date. Tell Kirsti and Julie. :)

Kirsti.osborne said...

sara- i'm so there!
nicole- i love you
and i love corine's comment!

Anonymous said...

:) I can't either. But text or call me sometime, would you?