this post is dedicated to kirsti, julie, and sara... my bestest friends.
the four of us will be reunited (for the first time in over 2 years) in one week for julie's wedding, and i am sooo excited. i think all of us are so excited.
so, in dedication to them, and in anticipation of our time together i am going to throw some memories at them to take us back....
-these are in no particular order-
-and it might be stuff you had to be there for-
1. sara deciding she was going to be healthy/fit, straps on her rollerblades and heads down 2nd east. as she passed cars going down the hill, and realized she was about to die, she scanned the blurred scenery for some grass to land on. she found some gravel instead... and we were awoken to a call summoning us to the emergency room where sara was thoroughly drugged. i spent all day in the er with her (where did kirsti and julie go?? why was i the only one stuck there?) and sara had a seizure in my arms.
2.i feel like i have to sensor a little bit to save face for you guys, so i'll just say this.... sara + kirsti + gary + couch in camden apartment + all the rest of us sitting there = real funny and i can't believe we convinced you to do that.
3. of course the infamous waterballooning night (which subsequently got school probation for sara and i). we piled into the bed of a pickup truck with a bunch of local high school boys and knocked on people's doors at 2 in the morning. when someone would half asleep open the door there was a group of like 10 of us hitting them with water balloons. we also broke into a random guy's apartment and stole a WHOA sign that was displayed in their window, and proudly displayed it in ours instead. (we don't have the best judgement when we are all together).
4. remember when sara was roommates with yolanda (or yo as she liked to be called), and sara would wake up every morning to her blasting the nastiest r&b songs, like "yippee i yo yippee i yay, wanna bump your body baby". i am laughing so hard right now just hearing that song in my head... and the classic "my body all over your body". so we made a mix cd of all of yolanda's greatest loved hits and called it 'the sexual chocolates makeout cd'. by the way we were called 'the sexual chocolates'by some of our guy 'friends'- not sure why. is this getting tmi? haha... i need to edit a little more probably.
5. or how about when we were at some basketball game or something in the main gym at the hart and kirsti and i were talking to some people when sara and julie came tearing through the crowd... and when i say tearing, i mean they were litteraly frantically running and pushing through the crowd ( i will always have the mental picture of sara doing this). anyway, she was coming to tell me that she had talked to chet (who i was super super obsessed with) and that she super akwardly and obviously brought up yours truly and he said i was a cute girl. ahhh, college. sara devoted so much time to trying to bring chet and i together that we were half convinced that he thought that sara was in love with him. there are plenty of other chet stories (one in particular that sara and i can still to this day barely mention cause it is sooo embarassing) but i digress.
6. we never had a car, so it was always hitchhiking. but sara and julie's roommate jessica had a car our sophmore year, and so we would pile, no joke, like 10 people into her civic was it? some small car. not everyone could fit into the main part of the car, so there was always at least 2 people in the trunk, sometimes 3. we lovingly referred to it as the "boom boom room" cause the occupants were usually coed, and everytime jessica hit the brakes the trunk would go from pitch black to red lighting. what happens in the boom boom room, stays in the boom boom room ;)
7. how about when we ran into andrew at the homecoming dance. he was one of the many boys who had made out with sara, and then dissapeared off the planet, never to be seen or heard from again. we were walking through the dance floor when we happened upon him and his date. sara stopped short and bellowed out, "andrew!! you never call, you never write... how ya been??" like they were long lost friends. the look on his face was priceless.
8. oh the chairs. i love the chairs. that is where we would meet between (and during) classes all throughout the day. it was in the main building by the cafeteria and the bookstore, and great for people watching and running into people. one day they had set up an 'academic bowl' in the main area by the chairs for anyone who wanted to participate. of course we wanted to participate. so the four of us were a team plus one guy we didn't know, but grabbed to be our fifth player.... he actually ended up falling off the platform on his chair part way through it, if i recall correctly. all day no one had really cared enough to gather around and watch the academic bowl, but i swear there at least 50 people that stopped and were watching us play. it was hilarious. the most memorable answer came from kirsti, who answered "empire records" to a history question about something taking place in what empire.
9. speaking of chairs... i just remembered that we stole all of arcadia nate's dining room chairs out of his apartment one night when no one was home... then we set them up on the street corner by the royal crest tennis courts and sang and rapped for the passersby. i rapped the humpty dance in it's entirety for a couple of guys. then we felt bad about stealing the chairs, especially when the guys were so mad about it and didn't know it was us, so we hid them in julie's apartment for the rest of the year.
10. okay, this is getting long so i will stop at ten... even though there are ten million. this is the best one and the most memorable to all of us. the night the four of us laid in the middle of the football field and talked. we wondered that night who would get married first, have kids, go on nissions (i told you you would never go sara ) and basically realized that we would be friends for ever and ever.
i love you guys. and i'm so happy for you julie. i can't wait until north south east and west are reunited once again. and i will be calling an official meeting of the ryan sitler fan club while we are together, seeing as i'm president and all.
I'm crying right now. And chase is looking at me like I'm crazy. Those are all so stinkin funny. I have so many more I could add, but I don't want to humiliate myself. And I'm pretty sure I should be president of the Ryan Sittler fan club, seeing as to how he stuck his tounge in my ear and all....and was dating my roomate at the time. hahaha.
ps- why was I so slutty? Don't tell Matt...he doesn't KNOW these things about me. :) And I'm still waiting to be relief society president.
after sara is the relief society pres. she is going to join the army! nicole that was so great and i am so glad you wrote is because i totally forgot about half of those things. oh i love you guys and i'm going to figure out a way to get there!
how could you forget our infamous talent show performance? did jon get that on video? if so can we pleeeeaaase watch it? and i just cant wait for all of us to be together again, blasting and singing cowboy take me away. with all the hand motions of course. i love kove my best friends!
and i cant wait for saras cry laugh!
ok, I am laughing so hard, that I think I just woke everyone up! ps none of my teenagers are allowed to read this.
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