I'm tired! I have been up and going since 8 this morning, and I was so busy all day at school (which by the way is going so good). After school I went to work, then straight over to the house to help Tyler for a little while. I took a couple mid-remodel pics so you could see the progress of our front apartment. If the pics look cloudy white it's because Tyler was sanding all the walls. Notice in the picture on the right the box shelves that Tyler built into the wall (he framed and built that wall by the way)... pretty cool huh? He's real creative. The top left pic shows the trim that he is doing in the bedroom. It's going to be real cool when we get it all sanded and painted. Funny little story... in primary last Sunday we were learning the song where you say thank you in like 8 different languages, which song also talks about how Heavenly Father understands and loves everyone. The chorister teaching the song (who's kind of an airhead) was reiterating the point that he knows and hears each of our languages, and some little kid asks, "even Mexican?" She replied, "even Mexican." Primary is too funny.